Tag Archives: mignonne

In memory of Mignonne

It’s still very sad to write about Mignonne’s last few weeks.

We believe that she had a stroke at some point in April of 2016.  Mignonne was a real trooper, and a fighter. She rallied several times, but ultimately the damage was just too much for her to overcome.

Mignonne crossed the Rainbow Bridge peacefully on May 9, 2016.

Mignonne was a beautiful hedgehog and a real gift for me at a time when I didn’t even know I needed her. She and her cheeky ways will always be missed.


If you are interested in more of the story, please visit our Instagram account (now @GadgetHedgehog) and have a look at posts from April and May 2016. You can also try this cool search from Mixagram: #Mignonne #Hedgehog since most of the posts are ours! 😉

Groundhog Day : My huffly prediction

My huffly prediction for more winter on #hedgehogday. Sorry, that’s just the way I see it. So imma crawl back into my snuggle bag now. #hedgehog #hedgie #groundhogday #morewinter #Mignonne #hogblog #hedgehogblog #video

: My huffly prediction for more winter on #hedgehogday. Sorry, that's just the way I see it. So imma crawl back into my snuggle bag now.

Follow Mignonne the Hedgehog on Instagram.

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Santa Hog

This Santa hat is a bit big for me. I’m not thrilled about hats anyway, but at least I can hide and sleep under this one while the Mama plays her @ptxofficial Christmas music at full volume. #santahog #santahat #hedgehog #hedgie #hedgehoginahat @hedgehogswearinghats #hedgehoghats #ChristmasHat #hiding #littlehoghidinghood #Mignonne #hogblog

Santa Hog : This Santa hat is a bit big for me. I'm not thrilled about hats anyway, but at least I can hide and sleep under this one while the Mama plays her @ptxofficial Christmas music at full volume.  @hedgehogswearinghats

Follow Mignonne the Hedgehog on Instagram.

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