Tag Archives: hedgie

Too Much MonDAY

Feeling a bit grumpy and droopy today. Oh, right, it’s MONDAY!! *sigh* Hedgehogs don’t like Mondays. Honestly, I don’t like any days. I’m nocturnal… well, more like diurnal. I’m up running EARLY in the morning, and again late at night. But Mondays are probably still the worst days.

Too Much MonDAY : Feeling a bit grumpy and droopy today. Oh, right, it’s MONDAY!! *sigh* Hedgehogs don’t like Mondays. Honestly, I don’t like any days.  I’m nocturnal... well, more like diurnal. I’m up running EARLY in the morning, and again late at night. But Mondays are probably still the worst days.

Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

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Hedgehog Sleeping

What’s your favourite place to nap? I decided to rest here for a second, on top of my #snugglebag after a treat of #mealworms. I prefer to sleep covered up, and most hedgies probably do, too. But I thought maybe you have a different or fun place to sleep. Tell me about it, #hedgies and #hoomans alike! #hogblog

Hedgehog Sleeping : What's your favourite place to nap? I decided to rest here for a second, on top of my after a treat of #mealworms. I prefer to sleep covered up, and most hedgies probably do, too. But I thought maybe you have a different or fun place to sleep. Tell me about it, and alike!

Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

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Rare hedgehog sighting

Gadget (me) running! Normally I won’t run if someone is in the room. I prefer to run and poop in the wheel in private. But the Mama came in and I just needed to poop, so I ran anyway. I can’t believe she videoed me though. How embarrassing!! #hogblog

Rare hedgehog sighting: Gadget (me) running! Normally I won't run if someone is in the room. I prefer to run and poop in the wheel in private. But the Mama came in and I just needed to poop, so I ran anyway. I can't believe she videoed me though. How embarrassing!!

Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

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Bath time agreement

If you don’t touch me, I’m fine to stay camouflaged in this warm bubble bath. But don’t try to wash me, lady. This cuteness will come apart and chaos will ensue. Trust me! #hogblog

Bath time agreement : If you don't touch me, I'm fine to stay camouflaged in this warm bubble bath. But don't try to wash me, lady. This cuteness will come apart and chaos will ensue. Trust me!

Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

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