Tag Archives: hedgehoginatowel

Poopy Boots

When a Hedgehog runs in their wheel, sometimes (lots of times) we forget to step off the wheel to potty… so we potty in the wheel and then run in it. Yup. It’s icky. What’s ickier is getting poop stuck in our toes – something hedgieparents call “poopy boots”. This morning I had seriously poopy boots and The Mama gave me a quick foot bath. It was better than a whole bath, but not much. I still didn’t like it, but at least my feet are clean now. And I’m pretty cute in this towel!!

Poopy Boots : When a Hedgehog runs in their wheel, sometimes (lots of times) we forget to step off the wheel to potty... so we potty in the wheel and then run in it. Yup. It’s icky. What’s ickier is getting poop stuck in our toes - something hedgieparents call “poopy boots”. This morning I had seriously poopy boots and The Mama gave me a quick foot bath. It was better than a whole bath, but not much. I still didn’t like it, but at least my feet are clean now. And I’m pretty cute in this towel!!

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