Tag Archives: hedgehog

What is a hedgehog really like?

People often wonder what Hedgehogs are really like as a pet.

There are many cute videos and photos of adorable hedgies being social and friendly and fun. But not all Hedgehogs are like that, and even the ones in the videos are likely not that friendly all the time.

This video is more of what we typically experience with Gadget – she’s laying in a fleece blanket on my lap, nobody is touching her, and she’s still anxious. She rarely just comes out from this, and she doesn’t often even let us see her face. She’ll stay furrowed to “protect” herself. She huffs and lunges and hisses for a while, and then she “settles down”, tucking her head even further under her body for an uneasy nap. She often hisses when we make sounds around her. Gadget will usually stay under blankets in hiding. She prefers not to be bothered. This is her usual mode of operation. The videos and photos of her out and about are the rare times.

What is a hedgehog really like? : People often wonder what are really like as a pet. There are many cute videos and photos of adorable hedgies being social and friendly and fun. But not all Hedgehogs are like that, and even the ones in the videos are likely not that friendly all the time. This video is more of what we typically experience with Gadget - she’s laying in a fleece blanket on my lap, nobody is touching her, and she’s still anxious. She rarely just comes out from this, and she doesn’t often even let us see her face. She’ll stay furrowed to “protect” herself. She huffs and lunges and hisses for a while, and then she “settles down”, tucking her head even further under her body for an uneasy nap. She often hisses when we make sounds around her. Gadget will usually stay under blankets in hiding. She prefers not to be bothered. This is her usual mode of operation. The videos and photos of her out and about are the rare times.

Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

Poopy Boots

When a Hedgehog runs in their wheel, sometimes (lots of times) we forget to step off the wheel to potty… so we potty in the wheel and then run in it. Yup. It’s icky. What’s ickier is getting poop stuck in our toes – something hedgieparents call “poopy boots”. This morning I had seriously poopy boots and The Mama gave me a quick foot bath. It was better than a whole bath, but not much. I still didn’t like it, but at least my feet are clean now. And I’m pretty cute in this towel!!

Poopy Boots : When a Hedgehog runs in their wheel, sometimes (lots of times) we forget to step off the wheel to potty... so we potty in the wheel and then run in it. Yup. It’s icky. What’s ickier is getting poop stuck in our toes - something hedgieparents call “poopy boots”. This morning I had seriously poopy boots and The Mama gave me a quick foot bath. It was better than a whole bath, but not much. I still didn’t like it, but at least my feet are clean now. And I’m pretty cute in this towel!!

Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

Anointing – a weird thing hedgehogs do

The Mama’s hair tasted so good I just had to anoint with it. I had a little chew on her hair while she laid her head down next to me on the desk. Then lick, lick, lick… I added her smell to mine by licking myself with it.

Anointing - a weird thing hedgehogs do

It’s called “anointing” and It’s just saliva basically, mixed with whatever we chewed or licked last. Humans don’t know for sure why we do it (and we’ll never tell ?).

A few theories as to why hedgehogs anoint:

  • we find a new smell in the environment and need to camouflage our own scent with the new smell for safety so we anoint with the new smell,
  • we find a smell we LIKE and want to smell like it so we anoint with it,
  • we anoint with something unfamiliar to possibly add some toxicity to our spines as another layer of deterrent from predators and parasites.

Some hedgies anoint all the time. Some hardly ever anoint. It’s just a funny Hedgehog thing. Lol.


Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

Morning Hedgehog Shenanigans

Having some morning adventures with the Mama. Mostly, I’m looking for a place to hide because hedgehogs don’t like being awake in the morning. Hedgehogs are nocturnal, but I’ll tolerate a *little* activity early in the morning. #hogblog

Morning Hedgehog Shenanigans : Having some morning adventures with the Mama. Mostly, I’m looking for a place to hide because hedgehogs don’t like being awake in the morning. Hedgehogs are nocturnal, but I’ll tolerate a *little* activity early in the morning.

Follow Gadget the Hedgehog on Instagram.

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