Category Archives: hedgehog care

reality of a grumpy hedgehog as a pet for a kid

Is a Hedgehog a good Pet for Kids?

Unpopular Opinion: I do not recommend Hedgehogs as pets for children.

I don’t think a hedgehog is a good pet for kids. When friends ask me, I honestly do not recommend hedgehogs as pets for children.

The hedgehogs you see on social media aren’t typical

expectation of a cute hedgehog pet for a kidHedgehogs are totally adorable in photos on Instagram or Facebook. There are even SOME who are Ninja Warriors or jet-setters. The videos of tiny hedgehog birthday parties are hard to resist. But these are only snippets of life with a hedgehog – carefully curated moments captured and filtered from the thousands of grumpy photos and sleeping videos.

What you see on social media is not TYPICAL of the hedgehogs I have experienced. I have had 2, pet sit for another one, and talked with lots of other hedgehog moms & dads. Hedgies are just not always like that.

Continue reading Is a Hedgehog a good Pet for Kids?

Hedgehog Food

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Ever wondered what to feed your hedgehog?

Most hedgehog breeders will agree that you shouldn’t be feeding your hedgie pre-packaged “hedgehog food”.

There are lots of reasons hedgehog food isn’t the best, mostly because they are often made with poor-quality ingredients which have low nutritional value.

Interestingly, there are a few brands of cat food which seem to be a better fit for hedgies. Continue reading Hedgehog Food